Home What Is Youtube Remarketing?


With YouTube and video remarketing, advertisers can reconnect with viewers who have engaged with their video content, continue telling them a story — and try to get them back! When it comes to remarketing, lists make things happen. Let’s find out how.

What you’ll learn:

  • How video remarketing with YouTube and Google works to support re-engaging advertisers and audiences
  • How remarketing lists can be used to drive the goals of your video campaigns
  • How to create and add video remarketing lists to your video campaigns



Meet Jason

Jason’s a director. He’s had success on YouTube before. Can he do it again?


I want to tap into this remarketing, but I’m just not a “list” kinda guy and I hear they’re a big part of it.


That’s ok, these aren’t your average lists! But, don’t worry, I’ll be sure to break things down for you…nice and easy!


Simple is good — that, I can do. Thanks to YouTube, I have lots of fans. But I want to make sure I get this baby in front of my adventurous, thrill-seeking audience!

To remarket or not to remarket: Google and YouTube

Hoping to make a splash with his latest action film, Jason is considering digital remarketing as part of his video campaign on YouTube to target old and new fans.

What benefits of remarketing with YouTube and Google could we share that might convince him?

Press each image to learn more.
Targeted remarketing

That’s right.

With Google Ads, you can use video remarketing to reconnect with viewers based on their past actions on a website or YouTube videos — things like visiting, watching, or sharing videos. Jason, you might want to think about all your YouTube subscribers. That’s a list right there!

Personalized ads to custom audiences

You’re getting this.

Imagine being able to capture those subscribers who liked and shared your past action videos or those who clicked on your current trailer ad? They’re likely to want to see this next release as well. With Google Ads remarketing, you can combine remarketing lists to reinforce your message with those audiences more likely to engage… again.

Broad, very broad scope


Think of being able to use your remarketing lists on YouTube’s vast audience and across Google’s Search and Display Network. Now that’s some serious opportunity, and it’s all possible with the power of lists!

It’s cost-efficient

You’ve got it!

Cost savings, check! With the ability to hone in on your subscriber fan base who’ve already shown interest, you can choose to market only to them. No need to waste any ad dollars on those audiences who are less likely to watch your latest thrill, Jason — you know, the ones who prefer your romantic (but equally brilliant) dramas.

Remarketing lists: a few pointers

With remarketing lists come great power — but only when built correctly. Jason has a few more things to learn about lists before diving in.

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Are we there yet?

Jason, are you convinced yet? I thought so! But hang on, we’re just about ready to roll up our sleeves and create some lists, but first, a few more items to check off.

Create and add your video remarketing list to your Google Ads campaigns

The process is not too tricky: Link first, create remarketing list next, and finally, add to any campaign — existing new, Search, or Display. As for linking, remember that before you can use remarketing for video campaigns, you need to link your YouTube account(s) to your Google Ads account(s) so that they can communicate. You can do this from either your YouTube channel or from within your Google Ads account.

First, link accounts

Here, let’s watch Jason learn how to link his Google Ads account to his existing YouTube channel — and get one step closer to sharing his new release with his adventure-loving fans.

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After signing into his Google Ads account, Jason clicks the three vertical dots next to his name at the top of the page to open the menu. From here, he clicks Linked accounts.

Next, create a video remarketing list

Ok, Jason, the moment you’ve been waiting for, the list! Let’s see how you can make this happen.

NOTE: Some product names in this video have been updated.

Press to play or pause.

Finally, add the remarketing list to a campaign

With the list created, you can now add it to almost any campaign type: existing, new, and even Search and Display. For now, however, adding a list to a Search campaign is somewhat limited by list type — channel-based lists for behaviors such as liking, sharing, commenting or subscribing only.

Here, we’ll see how Jason could add his “Jungle Fury” list to his existing promo campaign. For details on how to add a list to either a new video campaign or a Search and Display campaign, please refer to the “About remarketing lists” link in the Recap section below.

Press the arrow to proceed to the next slide.
From the “All campaigns” section on the left navigation menu, choose an existing video campaign.

With YouTube and video remarketing, advertisers can reconnect with viewers who have engaged with their video content to deliver a customized message and continue telling their brand’s story. Consider what you could do for your campaign using the power of lists in Google Ads to re-engage your audiences across YouTube and the entire Google Network.

To learn more, check out the helpful links below: